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Evasione & Movimento

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1Evasione & Movimento Empty Evasione & Movimento Gio Nov 15, 2012 5:17 pm



Visti alcuni dubbi e perplessità in merito scratch scratch occorre aiuto allo scopo di precisare e chiarire la discussione
Giocatore A chiede l'evasione perdendo l'opzione del movimento
Giocatore B automaticamente vince l'Iniziativa
può il giocatore B cedere il movimento al giocatore A oppure deve muovere Question

Having some doubts and concerns about need help ... ...
Player A asks evasion and automatically lose the option of moving
Player B in turn wins the Initiative
Player B must move or may transfer the movement to player A?

2Evasione & Movimento Empty Re: Evasione & Movimento Ven Nov 16, 2012 4:47 pm



Riporto alcune risposte giunte via mail al quesito posto:

“Vincendo l'iniziativa, può farlo”
“Holla, Gianni,
è così il processo: 1. tiro 2. Rotolo per l'iniziativa. Se i giocatori A ma vuole fare un evade quindi non viene più rotolo per l'iniziativa. I giocatori B hanno poi automaticamente l'iniziativa.
Leggere a pagina 18 Capitolo 6.12: Consequences of winning the evade option
molto semplifica.
If only player A chooses to evade, then Player B automatically wins the initiative dice roll.
Player B may then chose to move first or second, as with any other initiative win.
Player B also controls the melee direction choice, as the initiative holder.
The easy way to remember is to think that the evading player has automatically lost the initiative dice roll, and not to think that evading player has lost the option to move first.
Best wishes
Mark G”
“Messa così la questione, la prima cosa che mi vien da rispondere è che, avendo " vinto l'iniziativa" ha tutte le facoltà di chi ha " vinto l'iniziativa", quindi anche quella di cederla e far cominciare l'altro.
Ma bisogna vedere anche sotto "evasione " che forse qui le cose cambiano.
“Player A EVADE
PLAYER B Transfers so in fact :
A Moves First
Saludos desde Argentina!
Look at the pictures”

Evasione & Movimento Img00410

Evasione & Movimento Img00411

3Evasione & Movimento Empty Re: Evasione & Movimento Ven Nov 16, 2012 4:48 pm



... e ancora:

“Player A evades
Player B therefore has initiative which means that he choose who go first.
It can be himself or player A at his own choice.
Quite often, both player want to evade. In that case, player B will often choose to go first to put his own troops out of trouble.
Often also, player B will ask player A to move first and will exploit this to keep his pressure to force another evade next turn.
Best regards
“ It is clear that there is this theoretical possibility.
But just for my curiosity: what should profit it will bring, first to allow the opponent the evade (I do it mostly only for the reason, to be sure to have the initiative after the evade) and to grant him even the right for first movement?
Even, if I realize that it often comes to a duel because the evade, such an option makes no sense.
“Hummm , let me say : don´t interrupt your enemy when is making a mistake.(Napoleon)
I remember my last game with Sasanians, my opponent seize the init and force me to move first.
I lost the game because my powerfull HC was trapped in obligatory charges , because I was the first mover….”
“… … se non ricordo male, tra Armati 1 e 2 questa regola non è cambiata; chi evade perde automaticamente l'iniziativa che va a l'altro giocatore, che avendo l'iniziativa può scegliere se muovere per primo o no.
L'iniziativa non è il movimento, perché chi ha l'iniziativa sceglie l'ordine di mischia!!!!

4Evasione & Movimento Empty Re: Evasione & Movimento Ven Nov 16, 2012 4:49 pm



... e voi utenti del forum S&C?
Sù, dite la vostra ... ... bounce bounce bounce

5Evasione & Movimento Empty Re: Evasione & Movimento Sab Nov 17, 2012 9:56 am



... e ancora da oltre oceano!!!

"The core concept of the evade option is if you need to use it, you give up the initiative.
The reason for this is simple. Since Rob Wolsky set the rule to allow for a favorable maneuver rather than pure evade, to allow the evade and retain initiative would make the army's moves for that turn too decisive.
We various Armati "Dirty Dozen" (the original 12 list members) have been disagreeing among ourselves for years about this. The idea of evasion is that light armed troops could run away from their slower opponents. However sometimes it did not work, the evading unit misjudged the distance, the target unit was faster then expected, or the target unit had its own lightly armed to chase down the evaders.
Here in Los Angeles, our Armati group plays evade as "a move directly away from the threatening unit. Even if it ends up in missile range of a new target it cannot shoot the following turn. The evading side loses initiative."
What would be more fun is if both sides rolled a d10, and if the target unit rolled double the result of the evading unit. This would allow the target unit to catch the evaders before they evaded and the evading side still lost the initiative!
Armati has too little friction in its mechanics in my judgement.
Stephen Phenow
Moderator, the Armati List"

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