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15 16 ottobre 2011 tutti a Lubiana !

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115 16 ottobre 2011 tutti a Lubiana !  Empty 15 16 ottobre 2011 tutti a Lubiana ! Gio Set 01, 2011 7:19 pm



- Si terrà a Lubiana il 15 16 ottobre 2011 una convention di WARHAMMER.

- It will be held in Ljubljana on 15, 16 of October , 2011 a convention of Warhammer.

15 16 ottobre 2011 tutti a Lubiana !  Infosp10

- Ci sarebbe la possibilità di esser ospitati per un tavolo dimostrativo dei ns giochi.

- There is the possibility of being hosted for a demonstration of our games.

- pensavo ad ARMATI con qualche scontro che riguardi la storia slovena: Carlomagno contro gli Avari, Gli Asburgo contro gli Ungheresi di Mattia Corvino, una ribellione di contadini e piccoli feudatari contro gli Asburgo, oppure un esercito Ottomano contro Asburgo/Ungheresi.

- o qualsiasi altro periodo e regolamento.

- I think to play ARMATI about the history of Slovenia: Charlemagne against the Avars, Hungarians against the Habsburgs of Matthias Corvinus, a rebellion of peasants and small landowners against the Habsburg, Ottoman, or an army against the Habsburgs / Hungary.

- or any other period and rules.




Hello to one and all!
First off, I hope it is OK if I write in English. I unfortunately don't speak Italian (but would love to learn some day, if for nothing else, to read Corto Maltese in original!Smile).

Talbot asked me to say a few words about the gaming situation in Slovenia, so I will try to give you a quick overview of the issue.

Slovenia is small. It is in fact so small, that we have one single specialized gaming/hobby store in the whole country; Črna Luknja (Black Hole) in Ljubljana. The gaming/hobby scene is as well quite limited and the vast majority of people play Warhammer and 40k. There are also smaller, but strong communities of Warmachine/Hordes and Flames of War. Other games, that I know are played at least occasionally are Warhammer Ancients, some of the old GW Specialist Games (Necromunda, Battlefleet, BloodBowl), Battletech and Infinity. And as far as miniatures are concerned that's about it - there are quite strong CCG/TCG groups (Magic, WOW, YuGiOh), and board games are gaining in popularity, but that's another story.

There is some interest for historic games, but this largely depends on weather the people who are most enthusiastic have the time to drive the whole thing, get others involved and so on. The big problem is that the community is so small, that if you want to try something that is not WH/40k, you're likely to have trouble finding opponents on the fly - it takes more preparation. A couple of us are starting in Infinity, but we must always organise in advance, because there is no "critical mass" playing.

I think there is a lot of potential for other systems as well, and especially for cooperation with hobbyists from Italy. Trieste and the parts around it (Venezia) are not very far away from Ljubljana. We're looking for brave souls who would come forth and bring us the light of other games and systems! Show us how it's done Italian style! pirat



... and then you're in the right forum!! cheers cheers cheers

A collaboration with the Slovenian cousins ​​will begin Sunday, October 16 when some of us will come to Ljubljana maniestazione.
We would have to know each other personally and to lay the foundation for fruitful cooperation and interesting !!!!!

As you rightly say ... ... Ljubljana and Trieste / Venice are not so distant bounce bounce bounce

Il Giglio

Beati Voi...... Rolling Eyes



Beh ... allora non hai che da aggregarti anche tu&family!!!!
Noi ci andremmo domenica 16 ottobre ... ... basta che ci si organizzi con auto ed orari, e LE JEUX SON FAIT

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