Ecco la mia lista:
Later Lombard kingdom – 712 to 774 AD
CR H4 L2 Bp 6 Init 5
Core units:
2 HC(d) * 5(1)0 +1 Lances
4 HC(d!) * 4(1)0 +1 Lances
2 SI 2(1)1 +2 Bows
1 GR
Bonus units:
1 HC(d) * 5(1)0 +1 Lances 11
3 HC(d!) * 4(1)0 +1 Lances 27
4 FT * 5(1)0 +1 Spears/Bows 32
2 Si 2(1)1 +2 Bows 4
1 veteran unit 1
Di seguito alcune note:
" There is no more mention of undisciplined charges made by Dismounted HC
and the tactic seems to have been less common so the (!) is absent from the
Nobles but is retained for the Skilpors who often had no body armour.
Skilpors can now dismount as FT 5(1)1 Key Unit Prot +1 Various/Bow.
The lance tips are now provided with a stop which seems to suggest the
adoption of a fencing style of combat (much like the Carolingian usage).
No Bulgars or Avars are available because there are no reports of either
being used in substantial numbers in Northern and Central Italian campaigns
although they may still have been present in southern territories.
Skilpors (Arimanns or Aldii Squires whose equipment was, by the law,
provided by those Lombards and Romans rich enough to do so), must outnumber
Noble Cavalry by 2 to 1 at least.
Great emphasis is given to the bow in the laws of Astulf for foot soldiers,
so every Lombard FT, LI, and SI unit is equipped with Bows, including
dismounted Skilpors. The archery range of Skilpors is eighteen (18) inches.
(See Sec. 6.4.1., pp. 12-13, A2 rules).
All Lombard HC are subject to Obligatory Charge"
Ultima modifica di Sir Tanephos il Gio Lug 14, 2011 6:19 pm - modificato 1 volta.